a heart warming observation.
Our world, with it's great masses of individuals, carries on so incessantly that sometimes we almost neglect to appreciate the monumental affects that we so easily have on one another by our mere existence. Someone's always watching, observing, forming a connection between themselves and you. Yes, us people, we get lost sometimes in ourselves... and in the mean time, we miss all of the people who are getting lost in us as well. But it's a cylce for sure, with no real beginning or end, and at the most beautiful and rare moments, we catch ourselves catching others eyes on us, and we realize how dear we are to one another and what a touching trap of unity we are in.
i'm listening to this compilation CD of "Baltimore Songwriters" just thinking how these people have absolutely no clue (or maybe a small clue) who/how many people might listen to their words, songs, hearts... and be affected. And they're just making music because it's IN them. They're just expressing what needs to get out. And it's having a beautiful affect on me. So yeah.. to all of you artists out there... keep it up. In fact, to all of you people who are just being you... keep it up. Keep up the good things you do. They affect people in such wonderful and positive ways.
Because we ARE in a trap of unity. And it really is touching.
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