Saturday, October 22, 2005

walking into the past

...and still living in the present.

Somehow, we learn to do both at once. Probably because when we walk into our past through pictures, or old places, or old people, time still moves forward like always, despite the nostalgic aura.

I was glad to be out of high school today when I went to the HC football game/parade. It was nice seeing some familiar faces and smiles, and feeling welcomed by some great people... but I just don't miss it at all. If high school consisted of only the great people you meet and the great moments you share, maybe I'd have felt a little less careless today. But so much of high school seemed tainted by the inescapable boxes and steriotypes and silly things that kept us seperated or judging.

Eh, but I don't want to complain about high school. It's great in a certain light... and I'm not going to say I didn't love it. Only that I don't miss it. Or maybe more appropriately.. I've definitely grown out of it. And that's natural.

I espcially enjoyed seeing Paigey poo today.. (just throwing that in there)... and Rasa, which is sort of ironic. muahaha.

It's just great knowing that more than ever, I have the opportunity to just LIVE on my own and independently decide what I do with my life. It feels good. Damn good.

And I'm writing this mainly because I'm waiting for Micayla to get here and I'm sitting in my house with nothing to do but think about how different and the same our lives are now. It's all not necessary to type though. These types of things are meant for experiencing.

Have a lovely evening.


At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that through all the Maddoxy writing, I completely agree.


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