Wednesday, June 22, 2005


alright, so the previous post was trying to force through all the crap i'm having trouble with right now. but it's still here. so yeah.

i hate complaining and i hate feeling like i can't deal with my own shit, and it ends up being very self-destructive at times because whenever something "hard" or "bad" comes along i just rationalize it all and figure whatever reason to make myself believe that i can handle it. and then i end up handling it. but eventually shit piles up and i get sick of "knowing how to deal with everything" or finding a "mature solution". fuck, man. it's the way i live, but it's not god damn easy. i mean, when it comes to anything concerning other people i totally stand up and shout out and all that good stuff opposing things that suck. but when it comes to myself, i just "deal" by rationalizing. nothing's bad so nothing can hurt me. because if my parents relationship actually sucks, and if theyyy actually suck for living it, then that hurts. because my whole life i've tried to find a way for it to not suck, instead of just shouting out, YOU GUYS SUCK FOR BEING SO RETARTED WITH ONE ANOTHER!

yesterday i finally shouted it out. my mom and i were going to plan a trip to the grand canyon/vegas etc, figuring my dad wouldn't want to go, because god knows my parents couldn't handle agreeing on anything for any amount of time that's supposed to be "stress free". but to our surprise, my dad was interested in going. of course however, ONLY under the conditions that we go NO MORE than 4 nights and 5 days. and of course, my mom refuses to go for anything less than 7 nights. so there was screaming and shouting and name calling and acting like children between my parents. what the fuck, why can they not just sit down and actually make a game plan and figure out how many ngihts they NEED rather than spitting out stupid numbers that they knew would piss the other person off. that's my god damn solution to their stupid, non-communicating, 5 year old argument. but i wasn't even going to offer it. i just screamed. YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK. AND YOUR MARRIAGE FUCKING SUCKS. AND YOU'RE BOTH TO BLAME! and then i went upstairs. only for my dad to follow me telling me all of the god damn reasons why it's NOT his fault and it IS my mom's fault. "i'm a normal person, rachael.. it's her."... no dad, you're fucking married to her.. so that makes you a part of it.

basically, i'm done even thinking about solutions for my parents. i'm done being around their rediculous door slamming arguments. i'm done being at all involved in the negative energy that's spread every time they talk. i hate it. i really really hate it. and i have nothing left to work for with them. i'm gone in two months. and i need to go to be able to fricking GROW.

i mean, i'm scared to be anything like that. i'm really really scared. and i just want to go away so bad so i know that i can actually control the god damn environment i'm in, and really live MY life free of THEIR shit. cause sometimes i can't keep track of what's what.

so yeah. that's been bothering me a lot lately. but besides that. a lot of crap has been going on with jodi. and just feeling very under appreciated in general. and i hate to say that. because i hate to ask for any kind of gratitude or recognition. i hate to ask for it, but i do need it. and i really just haven't been getting it.

and the thing that sucks the most about my parents is they're so caught up in their stupid fighting that they can't be nearly as cool parents as their potential. i mean, they really are both great individuals. but they're just ruined by eachother. or maybe that's just me trying to give them a break so it doesn't hurt that yeah, my parents suck a lot of the time as people.

i'm feeling very... sad, frankly. and disappointed a lot in the people i love. and that's a hard feeling to have.

i really wish that people would be more up front about their shit. about the things that SUCK about them. because there are things that suck about everyone! and i just wish we would look at ourselves and be more honest, and know how to apologize, and know WHEN to apologize, and get some balls to fess up and say we've been an ass hole, or an idiot, or selfish, when we have. i know, it's hard to do, espcially in the beginning. because we want to "love ourselves". but there's a difference between actually loving yourself, despite any time you might fuck up, and covering up your crap with conceit. yeah.

there are a lot of reasons why going to college is going to be so amazing, mainly because i'll actually be free from my childhood and able to build the life i'm so ready to live. but that presents another problem: college? uhhh.. i have my little preliminary plan, but damnit, i want to get settled into something stable and stay. i find enough instability in every day life. i don't need my atmosphere to be changing too. so yeah.

leave some encouragment, or praise for that matter. or just plain old love. because 1-i need it, 2-i deserve it.


At 11:35 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

I SUCK. I was a bitch to the most amazing person I know.

THE most amaaazing person in the world... my under-appreciated best friend in the universe. I'm making it up to you in ways you will come to find.

And I'll own up to my shit, I really will.. you know I will, I just got cold feet and stood around for unnecessary couple of days. And I was really stupid, not only was I letting myself get hurt but I was hurting you in the process, and you only helped me in return by offering precisely the advice I needed.

Now how about helping you with all your pain; choosing paths that aren't doomed, finding hope. when it comes to pain- You rationalize.. I get mean. We both just need to choose better and more hopeful/promising places for ourselves that aren't set up for pain and disaster. I really am sorry for hurting you. I love you rach,


At 9:02 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

don't mean to hog the comments! everyone reading this... just tell rachael one awesome thing about her, after all there are a million awesome things. this girl rocks, and deserves so very much.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know you personally Rachael, but I can still try to give you some advice.

You'll get disappointed in people throughout your whole life. That's a fact. So instead of feeling down, learn lessons from previous experiences.
That way you won't get hurt twice, but open your heart to every new person you meet, and run the risk.
Most of the times you'll end up with a new friend.

You're mature and very wise so I bet this isn't new to you. I just thought it would do you good to hear it from someone else (a total stranger like me hehehe).

Catch you later.

At 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was only about 15 when i realized that my parents were just as human and had as many faults as i did.. fortunately, my parents are pretty much kelsey elder and yakir reshef in terms of their nonaggressiveness/love of talking things out/general maturity
yours apparently have a few more faults.
but dont get too down and try to appreciate them even if they DO SUCK A LOT. cause you know, with my dad.... you only get them for a little while

At 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and you rock. hahaha. im sorry you havent felt good rachael :-(
i love you.


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