Thursday, June 30, 2005

september in boston!

i've heard that september is the most beautiful month of the year in boston... and if all goes as planned... i'll be there to witness it!
my 3 avenues:
1- attend umass boston as a full time undergrad student. (i was in the midst of finishing my essay before i came here to procrastinate a little... and the rest of the application is sent in, including fees and SAT scores, minus HS transcript that i'm getting from guidance @ ahs tomorrow morning... sooo, once it's sent in, they have to review my application and either accept or reject me. basically.)
2- attend umass boston as a part time student in the "continuing education" program. (all i have to do is show up, pay, and register. saweet. oh, and have my high school diploma. all credits should transfer over to northeastern!)
3- attend bunker hill community college. (same as #2)

SO.. that leaves me with housing. umass boston is a commuter school.. as well as bunker hill, so i'm going to have to find an appartment. it would be ideal if i could find one with northeastern students that way, you know, i make some friends and i'm in that area.. etc. but it should work out. umass boston and bunker hill are both only a few miles from northeastern and in good areas.

if anyone knows of anyone in boston looking for a roommate... or just any students in boston... if you could either IM me or leave a comment here.. that would be so awesome.

there's some phrase... i don't remember at all what it is.. but it basically translates to "sucking today so you can be better tomorrow" i feel like the past week was like that. i was sucking at finding solutions. so i could find them later. haha. oh mi oh my.

my parents are out of town from now until... well technically my dad's coming home late at night on july 4th. and july 5th we're going up to boston to settle things and find an appartment for the fall.

so basically, i'm going to take care of the rest of this application, have a good old time for a few days, then go to boston. i'm a happy girl.


At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I want to say is: hello hello hello.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Rachael said...

haha, hey!


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