Sunday, February 20, 2005

night time babble

hmm.. it's been a while since i've been inspired to write any poetry. i was sitting at my [kick ass] desk tonight reading through old pieces i've written and i just missed it. usually it just comes pouring out anytime i have the slightest encounter with an interesting experience.. but yeah, not recently. maybe it's because i just write my thoughts down in this damn blog. haha.. who knows. so yeah. i wrote something short and poetic tonight.

on some nights when the sky lulls between empty and bright, a memory of feelings overwhelm her like they did once before and her mind receeds to a place that it was never fit for, yet it hated to stray from. and she feels lonely and relieved simultaniously. and she knows that at one time she found herself in a person who was truly lost. and she loved it. and she's not better or worse now that things have changed. she's only different.

it's a weird state that i'm in right now. very peaceful and still, very relaxing, and yet almost boring. i feel like i'm not doing as much with my life as i could be. it's just strange. i don't think i can remember the last time it felt as if there was absolutly no tumult in my life.. or for that matter, how many people ever feel that way? and i mean, i suppose that's why people who don't have that many personal problems will take on larger, global problems (sometimes).. but yeah... i just want to be doing more. yes, lots of talk, little action.. but i'm not a school person. i'm not someone who's going to make a difference through academics. i'm just not. i'm someone who makes a difference through individual people. i want to go someplace and do something that feels important to me. i mean, everyone wants to do what will make them feel valid. and everyone feels valid by doing different things... and school isn't something that makes me feel valid, damnit. but i know that that's not the way this world works, i'm not daring enough to just throw away the education that's supposed to "get me somewhere". i try to utilize it for the good that it provides. but it just seems so limiting.

italianchic311: like busy-ness without MEANING italianchic311: its just such... a forfeit of time

like tomorrow, for instance... i have to write a paper for english, write a debate for comparative... both of which yes, i can be "creative" within the limitations of the box, the rubric, the guidlines. but i just want to be mused, inspired, and work from there. not have all of these damn questions i must answer. i want to use my own curiosity to ask my own questions and look into my own answers... and it seems that whenever i try to do that in school i'm "straying from the lesson plan" or "asking about something that's not important"... but whatever happened to the famous "every question is a good question"? where is that? i really don't know.. but that's something that i'd like to know the answer to.


At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your optimism is gross.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

hey, i'm glad that expressing your disgust did you justice.... whatever makes you happy! (how's that for optimism?)

At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love rachael

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so incredibly awesome that you can be so honest with yourself and others, and to blatently (is that a word?) put it out there. So many people are too intimidated by themselves and their egos to say what they really feel and you've overcome that to a new level. congrats because not many people our age, or any age, are confident and comfortable enough with themselves to do that. rock on rach


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