Minority Rules
So i was busy erasing my past the other day.. and i came across this email that i wrote to an old friend. i thought it was interesting and post-worthy.
I had just finished reading Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk and the following quote gave me reason and words that had to be written down. and here they are:
"You realize that people take drugs because it's the only real personal adventure left to them in their time-constrained, law-and-order, property-lived world. It's only in drugs or death we'll see anything new, and death is just too controlling."
I love Chuch Palahniuk's writing because he brings to light so often the flip-side of the story that gets left unsaid. One of the themes inSurvivor presented a reason validating why one might use drugs...to heighten the experience of life when sober-life experiences begin to run out. Oftentimes one is viewed as a low-life or worthless person if they resort to the use of drugs... and that may infact hold true in many cases. However, there is always an exception to the norm. If the majority of our society views a topic one distinct way, are they unquestionably correct? Is the minority always doomed to be wrong? Would rebellion ever occur without a minority? Would there ever be reform? Reconstruction? Renewal? REVOLUTION? Without some minority slowly evolving into a majority, there would be no equal rights for men and women, blacks and whites, Christians and Jews and Muslums and Hindus... gays and straights (an issue that still hasn't been won over by the minority)... A minority is vital in order to change things. To start a revolution. To rebel against what's wrong... because sometimes, The Majority Doesn't Know What's Right.
Take a look at our world and our country. Count how many depressed, or unhealthy, or sucidal, or unhappy marriages, or dysfunctional families, or battered wives and children, or murderers, or prostitutes, or drug addicts, or liars, or thefts, or day-to-day APATHETIC people are walking our streets. And they judge. And they're the Majority. And they see things from their ultimately correct point of view because it's what "everyone else is thinking". And they tell the Minority - the souls that feel their lives are actually worth while - that they're wrong... because they're the minority. Majority Rules.
Well the Majority is about to go Up In FLAMES because this time, like so many other revolutionary times in our history, the Minority has something to say. Something to prove. Something to stand up and FIGHT for.
Peace of mind. Spirit. Soul. Love. Compassion. Truth. Providing oneself with only what is Nesessary. Education. Honor - but not to be mistaken for arrogence. Humbleness. Generosity. And something that is too often overlooked; Courage.
The Majority of people are afraid.. They're cowards that use shields like material posessions and apathetic emotions to hinder let downs. The Minority is not afraid of failure, or heartbreak, or death. Because inside of the minority rests pacified organs and muscles that collaborate and work hard to pump blood into ones viens, feeding their hearts... and from those tranquil machines, love is produced readily, wanting nothing more than to be shipped out to the nearest majority so that more Love has the ability to be spread throughout. Because in this world, Love Is What's Lacking.
just thought that was cool. feel free to share thoughts. -rach
oh, and today was my last full day of high school. it went well. didn't seem too paramount. i think graduation will hit me with it's backhand and make me cry. but until then.. well, what is will be.
it feels really good.. to be free from the things that have been holding me back.
oh yeah, and i really do love you guys.
I agree Love is lacking. That's about it, naturally.
oh tim, i'm glad you choose to comment on my blogs.. because really, you're doing more than just choosing to comment. you're participating in life. i know, yes, MY life.. haha.. but no, you're taking an active roll in things rather than sitting and idlly (spelling) observing. or mocking. or whatever else. you're just awesome. even when we disagree... infact, espcially when we disagree. rock on.
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