Saturday, May 14, 2005


god, i have so many thoughts rushing through my head at every speed and in every direction. thank you for coming to the first ever ARTS FESTIVAL! i hope everyone had as an amazing time as i did.. it was just perfect. thank you sir daniel for coming and playing and getting raved reviews because you are so worthy of them not only for your music but for your youness.
surprisingly, no tears or even glimpses of sadness went through me last night as my greatest friends in the world were up on stage being beautiful. i was expecting they might have, but the aura was just too positive last night to even want to let some bitterness slip in. so it stayed out.
i think i'll post the poem i read.. with the correct ending. when i got home and looked over it, i left out the best line. ha. but you know, it's what it is.. no big deal.
funny, some things are what they are.. and it is a big deal. yes, there was some monumental occurences last night.. and right now i'm just trying to bask in them rather than.. whatever will come of my emotional state in about 3 days. haha. at least i know the storm's coming. but damn.. what beautiful moments we shared. .. and it's like the words just kind of fall short because this story has been written for so long and it's just now getting read but you already know the plot.. so you pay less attention to the story line and take better notice of all the beautiful prose you skipped the first few times. thanks, you. we'll both be going crazy soon enough. but nonetheless, it's all so fond to me.

i have work all day and all night... and then i'm doing it again tomorrow. so you should come get some food at clyde's.. or just come pay me a visit. i have so many more things i want to write about. it feels like that's always the case. i don't like working this much. i mean REALLY, money isn't one of my priorities.. ha.. you guys know that. oh well. it's funny.. the $ isn't even what i work for. i work for the satisfaction of working hard and earning something. oh the way i work. pun intended. speaking of work.. i've gotta go find out what time i have to be there.

have a beautiful beautiful weekend. i feel like i need time to digest everything that just happened.. but i'm being rushed into a pool full of crabcakes and chicken #1 and hamburgers and mussles and soup. and right now i'm not hungry for that shit. ah. i'm too metephorical right now to wait tables. i'll start reciting poetry to my coustomers. hahha. oh man. that'd be funny/ hahha.

later loves. please visit me!


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you do it for the money too. Otherwise, you could just send the whole paycheck to Africa every time.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

ah yes, i suppose why i said that was b/c the other weekend after waiting tables all morning i shifted over and hostessed all night.. and my lovely purse had 70$ stolen from it.. the tip money i made that morning. and yeah. i duno. i was disturbed that someone STOLE my money.. but it really didn't phase me that much. b/c i had a good day waiting tables and tips were better than usual.. which meant the ppl were happy with my service. yeah. long explination. i like money cause i like getting things. i'm just not a die hard capitalist. lol

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. :)


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