it's 4:30 a.m. i've been up for a half hour... went to bed at 4p.m. yesterday. "i've never been so alone, and i've never been so alive" (at the beginning of the song, not the end). so if you're a motorcycle drive by analysist, that's your ticket into my emotions this morning. (and i'll probably tell you in the next few lines. i'm such a give a way)
summer, where are you?
i'm being a dumb ass about school. in other words, doing no school work at all. and getting crappy grades because of it. and not learning anything. and i get mad at myself because of it. hah. either do your work or get over it, but you're being self-defeating, rachael! yeah, i know. and i should do my work because for me that's the only way to "get over it"
so that's the reason why i'm awake anyway. to write this english paper that was due forever ago. so I make sure that i don't get a D in english. because i've gotten As and Bs on everything, but i don't know how much this paper is worth compared to the rest of them... therefore, if i ever stop procrastinating on this blog, i bet i'll feel a lot better once i just write this damn paper. wow, i have such a guilty consious.
someone commented on my poetry. i bet i could guess who.
thank god it's only a half day. lit mag's going to have one hell of a meeting today.
i'm waiting tables sat and sunday all day at clyde's outside on the patio... come out and get some good food. sunday's brunch and delicious!
i want to have an excellent day. because it's been a weird start. now i haveee to go write that paper. later
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