Lit Mag Arts Festival!!!
i am so excited to announce that Friday April 22 the Literary Magazine will be sponsering atholton's first ever Arts Festival! What will this "arts festival" entail? Welllllllllll..... the event will be run much like the former FBLA Coffeehouse... with live music (guitarists, local bands, etc etc...), some poetry reading, and coffee & goodies.... however, we are going to encourage more participation from all forms of art. IE short film, monologues, magic??? haha.. however you express yourself. We're also going to be displaying a lot of the art work that was submitted to lit mag and possibly enlarging poetry to poster-size and displaying that too...
Also, instead of cramming 200 people into the senior cafeteria.. we're hosting the show outside in the senior court yard!! (the U shaped section of grass that's engulfed by the school) and Mackechnie knows a lighting guy that's going to light the entire area for a super low cost (basically make different sections of the court yard look different colors) it's going to look so great. he had a senior leu-ow in the courtyard when my brother was a senior and the atmosphere was splendified!
we're planning on putting the stage/performers in one of the perpendicular corners so students can sit on blankets/benches/whatever the hell we have branching out from the corner.... and then the coffee and goodies will be on one end and on the other leg of the U we're going to show a silent black & white classic movie on the wall. it is going to be amazingly stupendous! i mean REALLY..
so ANYWAY, now that you've read how exciting the set-up sounds... let me know if you're interested in helping make it happen! that means perform, mic/sound, set up, decorate, food, everything, anything! the litmag staff is obveously helping... butttt the more hands the merrier.
all performers are limited to 2 acts inclusive of ones done with partners. bands are limited to 3 songs. there are exceptions if you're performing things other than music... ie poetry, monologue, feel free to bombard me with questions/excitment/enthusiasm/idiocy... whatever method works for you. ha.
and if the sky rains so will my eyes. for all the non-poetic people: i'll cry.
tell me if you're as excited as i am. haha. peace loveeersssss.
THIS SHOW IS GONNA BE AWESOME! I'll perform.... and do whatever you want, because the arts festival is going to be great because yooou're great, and so is art... YES! WONDERFUL!
everyone be there... and help and be happy and free and HIPPIE for a day/night.
So if the courtyard's a U, where's the stage go? Tricky tricky tricky...
it's gonna be in the corner... it's hard to explain verbally.. but it all works out very well
How much are tickets?
Hey! I'll help out..setup/bake/whatever...this sounds really cool!!
tickets are 5 bucks... and who's sabs? sabrina?
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