Tuesday, May 17, 2005

no one commented on my last blog.. i suppose because it was too metaphorical. i guess that's what i wanted anyway. lol the only people who actually comment on this damn thing are jodi (majority), kathleen (occasionally), tim (sporadically), mike (not often)... and then the occasional other person here and there. it would be cool if more people gave imput. but then again, maybe not. it's funny that i have no clue who or how many people read this. i don't do a ticker or name taker or whatever else can be set up (partially because i don't know how to..) mainly because i don't really care.

today was emotional. i wish i could talk about the chaos going on in my life right now, but i can't. so yeah.. i won't.

i went to the mall alone (i always go to the mall alone.. i don't like going with people).. and i just walked around for a few hours. bought 2 shirts for work. but it was just very.. quiet. didn't say anything to anyone.. i mean, hi to the salespeople.. but sometimes it's nice to be surrounded by people and not be/feel obligated to speak.

i'm half way worried about myself and my future, and half way secure. i guess this is just a vulnerable time in my life and i don't really know where i'm going with a lot of things... one of which hurts and heightens my heart all at once. yeah, i don't really know. i guess when june 1 comes so will some answers..

i sound kind of.. down right now maybe. but i'm not.. just.. trying to sort things out in a more internal fashion. we'll see how it goes.

leave one. rach


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Mike said...

wanna hear a joke?

a kid walks into guidance and gets a saturday school for the 4th of june.

what's the punchline?

he graduates 3 days before. this school thing is so lame.

but seriously, head up rach. you have so much of which to be proud.


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

i didn't leave a comment on the last one.. i guess talking til 1 am counts as "commenting" on your blog/metaphorical realities.

those sad days are quite humbling/sobering/reflective, i guess we all have to have a few of those to our selves.... until the time comes to talk it all out til ridiculous hours of the night pass. i do hope you're able to sleep. i understand as much as i can of what you're going through, without going through it myself, and i love you for every decision you make, and for questioning what you must... pretty soon i think we'd all just like some PEACE. atleast i'll say so for myself... thanks so much for being the most inspiring person to me and making my life so real (yes you know what i mean by REAL, you NFP!)

i love you,


(continuing the forever left comments)

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, if I had less social proprietal desires, I would just go to the mall and draw pictures of people.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Rachael said...

haha oh tim, i really do think you're a wonderful person.


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