Thursday, November 11, 2004

I know I've created one of these before

So this is definitely not the first time i've created a 'blog'... yet some how the former seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. I wonder how long i'll keep this up or if i even will. oh well, it's worth a shot.

Right now there's almost too much going on to focus in on one topic... what happened to senior year being the year to slack? it's not true all you underclassmen! it only gets harder! i guess this is life though.. i keep telling myself that i want to cut back on the activities that i'm involved in and try to stick to a few things that i really love.. but i've found that i really love doing so many different things., i could never decide what to drop. it's a challange, but it's worth it. i'm in high school and it's almost over, i might as well soak up the setting that i'm in before i'm thrown into a new one.

Speaking of which, college... oh how the applications loom over me... two left! i should be hearing from a few within the next week or so... PennState, Pitt and Towson are all rolling admissions. Northeastern (my dream school), UMD and Udel i'll find out sometime in march/april. I'm so afraid that i'm going to end up at the wrong place or i'm not applying to a school that would be perfect for me. Screw all of this hesitation though.. Why is it that we as humans find it so difficult to stick to our intuition and just go with it? I know where i belong is Northeastern.. but i keep finding myself create reasons why i should just stay in MD. blah blah lbha.. i don't really feel like finishing this thought, it's moot and mentioned way too often. the bottem line is what happens, happens.. and everything will work out. I'm excited more than scared, and anxious more than excited. I'm ready for a new environment with a diverse group of people and enriching classes. I'm just READY.

You'll find that i often talk in circles. It's a route my mind likes to take.

I love Rasa. She made my night and often makes my day.

Wow, this is a perfect means for procrastination. This thing could turn out to be very dangerous. Anyway, i probably won't write for a while... we'll see how things go.
Enjoy where you are.
